

Key learnings


Many tools and offers exist including Beekeeper, Busuu, Coursera, GetAbstract, LinkedIn, OpenSesame, SuccessFactors, TalentSoft, Udemy* etc.


Learning management systems are shifting to Learning Experience Systems.


It is worth looking at what already exists in the market (and in other organizations) rather than reinventing the wheel.

Guiding questions

  • How do you want to structure the learning - i.e. short or long modules? online or in class or blended?
  • Should some learnings be compulsory and others voluntary? How can you implement both carrot and stick?
  • Do you set milestones and levels in the training to incite people to continue learning?
  • How do you enable peer to peer learning, reverse mentoring, lunch & learn, expert sessions, buddying or such mechanisms?
  • How do you blend certification and simple presence and/or completion of lifelong learning?
  • How do you integrate gamification into the tools you use or develop?
  • How do you split the tools you are using between skill acquisition and knowledge acquisition?

Learn2Leap programme

Access the self-paced learning programme, Learn2Leap, to get practical insight on how to set up an organisation for transversal innovation, how to build high-performance teams and how to executing innovation projects. Learn2Leap is free for employees of digitalswitzerland member organisations.